Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life before Death: A Galvanizing Slogan

I was meditating on the slogan of Christian Aid which is "life before death" because in class we've been discussing how organizations can use slogans to galvanize or unify their "followers". We have all seen great slogans in our time from Nike's "Just Do It" to M&M's famous "melts in your mouth not in your hands" to most recently President-elect Obama in his slogans of "hope" and "change", but what about Christan Aid's slogan. As I've thought about it more and more I view it as a great slogan. There is a pathos appeal, or emotional appeal, to the phrase. It makes the assumption that all people have the right to life and life abundantly. In my first blog post on Christian Aid I said it like this, " The main claim of Christian Aid is that the desire 'life before death'. Life before death is a motto that is derived from the desire to eradicate all poverty and injustice in the world. They long to give the poor and margnialized of the world hope and now a shadow of hope, but hope that is tangible. Tangible hope through the means of food, clean water, education, health care, and a chance at making an income".
However, now as I've studied more about their organization it's about so much more than that and truly is a rallying cry for their organization. They don't just fight to make things bearable for individuals, they fight to drastically improve lives through many avenues.

As a slogan it grips the heart of their "partners" who desire to give the marginalized and less fortunate of society hope and a brighter future. Deep within their soul each partner feels that their contribution, ranging from being on the front lines to just raising awareness, can make a lasting impact on the world.

What do you think about the slogan?

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